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Lifestyle Medicine

Follow me on my journey as I strive to follow the principles of lifestyle medicine and transition my family to a whole-food, plant-based diet.



In September 2018 I read a book that changed my life.  How Not to Die opened my eyes to plant-based nutrition and the prevention and treatment of disease.  It was in the midst of reading this book that I committed to a whole-food, plant-based diet and the study of Lifestyle Medicine.  In this specialty, the treatment of disease is focused on the WHOLE person - what we eat, what we do, and how we interact with other people.  It focuses on a whole-food, plant-based diet, physical activity, sleep and stress-management as medical treatments.  Once I started to dig deep into these recommendations, I found a whole world of scientific information supporting their use.

I have now devoted much of my time to studying these principles.  My goals are to treat the underlying causes of disease in order to help people to get off of medications and live longer, healthier lives.  

What if your diabetes could be reversed just by changing how you eat?

What if your genes are not your destiny?

We are not all doomed.  But we must change the way we live.

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  • Writer's pictureLela Dougherty, MD


On November 22, 2015 I was browsing Amazon looking for something to read. I typically prefer to read science fiction or fantasy books - things that take me a way from this world and make for forget about my troubles. However, this time, I wanted to get something different. So, I bought a book about running. BORN TO RUN is an epic story about a race and about how humans evolved to run. Reading that book changed my life. It made me, an un-athletic band geek who never played or sport in her life, want to run. So I did. I downloaded a free running app. I wanted something fun and different. I got ZOMBIES, RUN! It was pretty much like most beginner's 5k apps but with a little excitement. I ran in the dark, in our unfinished basement. I stared at the wall and concentrated on my breathing. I focused on doing just a little bit more. I like running because you can measure progress in seconds and in tenths of miles, both small units. "Today I ran 30 more seconds more than 2 days ago." It makes you feel good to be able to say you're better than before. But you don't have to be THAT much better, and you can see progress faster that way and stay motivated. I kept going and in August 2016 I got up enough courage to run in my first race - the BUBBLE RUN. It was an untimed fun run. I was so nervous. The course was straight up hill the first 3/4 mile and I choked on soap suds as I ran through each bubble station. I finished. And I never looked back. Running has shown me that I am strong, that I can persevere, and that I can do anything I set my mind to. It has shown my children what it is like to be active, and have fun. It has brought be closer to my son who now enjoys running with me. I love to run!

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4284 William Flinn Hwy Suite 102, Allison Park, PA 15101, USA

Phone (412) 685-3373

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