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Lifestyle Medicine

Follow me on my journey as I strive to follow the principles of lifestyle medicine and transition my family to a whole-food, plant-based diet.



In September 2018 I read a book that changed my life.  How Not to Die opened my eyes to plant-based nutrition and the prevention and treatment of disease.  It was in the midst of reading this book that I committed to a whole-food, plant-based diet and the study of Lifestyle Medicine.  In this specialty, the treatment of disease is focused on the WHOLE person - what we eat, what we do, and how we interact with other people.  It focuses on a whole-food, plant-based diet, physical activity, sleep and stress-management as medical treatments.  Once I started to dig deep into these recommendations, I found a whole world of scientific information supporting their use.

I have now devoted much of my time to studying these principles.  My goals are to treat the underlying causes of disease in order to help people to get off of medications and live longer, healthier lives.  

What if your diabetes could be reversed just by changing how you eat?

What if your genes are not your destiny?

We are not all doomed.  But we must change the way we live.

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  • Writer's pictureLela Dougherty, MD

Is It Healthy?

The last couple of weeks my children have been asking this question a lot. It's probably because I've been denying them snacks and treats and offering more fruits and veggies between meals. But now almost everything they consume, they ask me - "Is this healthy?" My answers before were typically a "yes" or a "no,"but lately I find myself asking what they think and what might be a better choice. Undoubtedly a fruit or vegetable is always a winner in this scenario.

One of the things I like a lot about Lifestyle Medicine and a WFPB diet is that it's not really so much as calories or macronutrient content (fat/carbs/protein), it's about eating the best, most micronutrient (vitamin and mineral)-packed food. Dr. Joel Fuhrman is one of the gurus in WFPB nutrition He calls his take on it a "Nutritarian Diet." In this way of eating he uses the formula H=N/C where H = Health (of a specific food), N = nutrient content and C = calories. Essentially arguing that the healthiest foods are those where you get the most bang for your buck or nutrition for your calories.

Our lives and the foods we consume are all about choices, and making the best choices for ourselves and our bodies. And if we want to nourish our bodies with the most nutrient-dense foods, we reach for the leafy greens, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Hopefully by teaching my children that no food is inherently "good" or "bad," there are foods that "healthier" than others and that eating more of these can help them living longer, stronger lives.

One last note - Notice on the plate below that there is mentioned less than 10% of calories from meat, eggs, etc. A WFPB diet is NOT a vegan diet. Vegans typically eliminate all animal-based foods and other products for ethical reasons. Those who follow a WFPB or "Nutritarian" diet only acknowledge that the less we consume animal products, the better for our health but it is NOT an all-or-none. It's about ADDING more healthful plant foods to your diet, getting that "bang for your buck" nutritionally, as opposed to strictly eliminating animal products. Happy Eating!

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