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Lifestyle Medicine

Follow me on my journey as I strive to follow the principles of lifestyle medicine and transition my family to a whole-food, plant-based diet.



In September 2018 I read a book that changed my life.  How Not to Die opened my eyes to plant-based nutrition and the prevention and treatment of disease.  It was in the midst of reading this book that I committed to a whole-food, plant-based diet and the study of Lifestyle Medicine.  In this specialty, the treatment of disease is focused on the WHOLE person - what we eat, what we do, and how we interact with other people.  It focuses on a whole-food, plant-based diet, physical activity, sleep and stress-management as medical treatments.  Once I started to dig deep into these recommendations, I found a whole world of scientific information supporting their use.

I have now devoted much of my time to studying these principles.  My goals are to treat the underlying causes of disease in order to help people to get off of medications and live longer, healthier lives.  

What if your diabetes could be reversed just by changing how you eat?

What if your genes are not your destiny?

We are not all doomed.  But we must change the way we live.

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  • Writer's pictureLela Dougherty, MD

My New Favorite Aisle

I have a confession n to make. I love cheese. And thee dairy aisle used to be my favorite. Yogurt, cottage cheese, extra sharp cheddar, Swiss, cream cheese. I could spend 10 minutes staring into the refrigerators. Usually I was looking for the extra sharp cheddar slices or shred. But since switching to a WFPB diet, I no longer gaze lovingly through those cold windows. I have a new favorite aisle: the grain and bean aisle.

For years I had only glanced into this area and maybe grabbed some rice but nothing more. But since changing the way I eat I've discovered many new treasures in this aisle. The health benefits of grains and beans are numerous - fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals. Did you know that beans are SO MUCH cheaper if you buy them dry as opposed to canned? About 1/5th the price or less! There's quinoa, barley and wheat berries. Wheat berries are one of my new favorite foods. These little grains are the true form of whole wheat. When cooked they are al dente, a little chewy and a little sweet. I like to add some to my salads for their nutritional addition and a different texture. Lastly there are lentils. I had never eaten lentils before I had some in a soup at Panera. I quickly found a copycat recipe, still one of my favorite soups. They are quite versatile and can be used for anything from soups to shepherd's pie to a meatloaf substitute called "lentil loaf." I have yet to make one of those but one of these days I'll get around to it. Now, this is the aisle I stand a little longer in, taking in the new names and exploring new recipes.

If you are scientifically minded, here are a few articles on the benefits of whole grains.

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