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Lifestyle Medicine

Follow me on my journey as I strive to follow the principles of lifestyle medicine and transition my family to a whole-food, plant-based diet.



In September 2018 I read a book that changed my life.  How Not to Die opened my eyes to plant-based nutrition and the prevention and treatment of disease.  It was in the midst of reading this book that I committed to a whole-food, plant-based diet and the study of Lifestyle Medicine.  In this specialty, the treatment of disease is focused on the WHOLE person - what we eat, what we do, and how we interact with other people.  It focuses on a whole-food, plant-based diet, physical activity, sleep and stress-management as medical treatments.  Once I started to dig deep into these recommendations, I found a whole world of scientific information supporting their use.

I have now devoted much of my time to studying these principles.  My goals are to treat the underlying causes of disease in order to help people to get off of medications and live longer, healthier lives.  

What if your diabetes could be reversed just by changing how you eat?

What if your genes are not your destiny?

We are not all doomed.  But we must change the way we live.

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  • Writer's pictureLela Dougherty, MD

Things I Never Knew

I've discovered a lot of new cooking techniques and wondrous plant-based substitutions since I started this way of life. Here are a few amazing things I have learned:

1. Flax Eggs. Who would have thought that if you mix a little water with some ground flax you'd get this runny, sticky, snotty "egg"? Well, you do. And so we use 1 Tbsp of ground flax mixed with 2.5-3 Tbsp of water to make an egg. Just put together in a bowl and let sit for 10 minutes. Make sure the seeds are ground and not whole. I've used this in waffles and breads with good results.

2. Cashew Cream. (I'm going to have a whole other post on the "Wonders of Cashew Cream" soon, so stay tuned.) But quickly - soak some cashews in water, put them in the blender, and voila! You get a "cream" - one you can adjust the density of to make everything from dressings to "mayo". Some people even make "cheese" out of it.

3. Chia Seeds. I had never in my life bought chia seeds. (Actually

now that I think of it, I may have actually bought a Chia Pet like this one for my sister or brother when we were younger, but I digress.) BUT, did you know that you can use them as a thickener? Similar to the ground flax seeds, chia seeds contain a compound that causes them to gel when placed in a liquid. They are commonly used to make puddings and jams. I have some frozen wild raspberries from this past summer and think I will try this out soon. I'll keep you posted.

4. Arugula. If you know anything about Dr Michael Greger, you might know that arugula is his favorite green. It actually ticks off two boxes in his Daily Dozen . I had never bought it before but it is now my favorite green as well as my favorite cruciferous vegetable. It is easy to find pre-packaged like most other greens and lettuce. What I like about it is that it has a bit of a peppery bite to it and livens up my salads. It is also one of the vegetables highest in nitrates (which can boost blood flow to the brain and other organs).

All of these changes are simple to make and easy ways to use whole grown foods to eat and live healthier. Enjoy!

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